The Blog with no name

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Life through a Tralfamadorian’s eye.

In the book Slaughter House-Five on page twenty-six, the author talks about alien creatures from a distant planet called Tralfamador. In the book a character maned Billy tells a newspaper about the Tralfamadorinas. According to Billy they can see in four dimensions instead of just three like humans. This allows them to view the universe in a unique way. They are able to view any point in time just like the present. As a result when someone on Tralfamador dies they just shrug and say “so it goes”. To them the person is not dead only in bad shape at that particular time. Since they can just view any point in time death is of no consequence to them.
What if we could view life in this way? Well, we would always be able to see our loved ones, and never have to be separated from them. If a particular point in our life was special we could relive it as often as we wanted. However, this could also have a dark side. If we were able to just go back to any time we wanted, life would lose all its value. For example murder would no longer be considered a crime because the person would only be in bad shape, not dead. Also people would no longer have the desire to better themselves beyond a certain point because they could relive that point in time over and over. Life, the way the Tralfamadorian's view it, would would not fit our way of life.
In light of this I do not think that Billy’s mission to educate the public would be beneficial to society since it would become numb to reality. It would become counterproductive. It almost seems like we would be high on drugs. We would be in our own little worlds totally unaware of the world, since we would be pleasing ourselves with visions of better times. While this view has its upsides it also has its downfalls. In light of this, I do not think that Billy’s mission to educate society would be helpful. This view would most likely hurt society more than it helped.


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