The Blog with no name

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

No More Darkness

Is it possible for blind people to regian their sight? Today with the help of modern technology it is! Today there are various methods for sight recovery. One way is to implant an artificial retna. This artificial retna is just a fraction of the size of a penny. Another way is to send an electric current through the optic nerve. In doing this doctors hope to stimulate the nerve so it will work again. Lastly, research on blind mice has revealed that stem cells can be used to cure blindness.
In local news, Patricia A. Stanton regained her sight after a corneal transplant. Before this she had been blind for 65 years. I think it is incredible how she came to receive her sight. Just the general advancement of technology is amazing. Just think, twenty years ago something like this would have been impossible. Also the world must have seemed very strange to her since she was blind for her whole life. I wonder if she was able to get around well now that she was using sight, not touch, to guide her. It would be intresting to talk to her and see if she could recognize the objects she knew by touch when she saw them.

Monday, December 11, 2006

My thoughts on tattoos.

Here is what one of my classmates said about piercings and tattoos.

my freind just got his lip pieice it made his lip swell up like a ballon. i dont know why he got it done just some thing to do i guest that kid is pretty crazy i never under stood why people got any thing pieiece espelly some thing you cant see you mindesle well just staple you self im not against it its other people getting it done not me its just some thing i wonder about tatoos are a nother thing i had a tatoo or kind of lets just say it not there no more i like tatoos there away you can express your self the art , creat of idea just amazes me some day i will i will have couple of them

I agree with you on this. I do not care if people get lip piercings. However, I don't know why people do this. To me this is not a sign of beauty. I don't look at people and say "wow that person looks really pretty with her lip ring. There is nothing wrong with a piercing, after all as individuals we have the right of expression. I do think that people should consider the choice to do something like that carefully because they will have to live with the consequences.
Tattoos on the other hand could be very cool. They can be very artistic and beautiful if they are done properly. You probably should go to a professional. With tattoos you can get anything you want. If you can think of it you can get it in a tattoo. However, the same caution should be taken with tattoos. If you get one it should be a good representation of yourself since you will have it for the rest of your life.

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